Saturday, December 22, 2012

California 2012---part 2

California Time Part 2

This rose was in bloom so beautiful when we arrived.  

Well Monday, a few of us went searching for a store that sold a certain kind of shoe.  Found the store, it was closed.  But here are a few sights we saw on the way.

Then we all went to lunch at a cute little restaurant, where I bet they thought "why did we let those midwives in!"  No, it was not the one above---king kong sushi, I hate sushi, I just liked the name king kong-so took a photo.

We talked our usual, birth, placentas, unusual placentas, blood clots,  lacerations, (with photos shared from our cell phones---) and could we laugh!  Loud!  They looked sort of funny at us once or twice!  

here is where we ate lunch

myself and Tracey from Kentucky

Jennifer and Lori from California
Rebekah from Minnesota 

Doreen from the south---from one state but will serve in South Carolina! 

Here are a few photos.  While there, since the area we ate in was an outside cafe' area, there was the potential of insects sharing our meal.  A bee did sting one of us, and so our lovely hostess told us (after someone killed the bee) that they were an endangered insect out here--so do not kill them.  You could get in a lot of trouble and fined for doing that!  Thus the following photos were from that was one of those times that you just had to 'be' there get the funniness of it all....but here are the funny photos!

showing us where she was stung on her neck

Doreen, who was the official  'killer' of the bees!

going into hiding after killing a bee

As we left the cafe', these fine officers of the law were waiting outside for us...well not really for 'us'. But they were actually out side the door!  So I told Doreen that they were there waiting for her, they had heard that she had after all----killed a bee!

Oh!  Forgot, in the morning when we had left to find shoes,we also went shopping to trader Joes.  Laurie Z from Michigan, had never been to a trader Joes so this was her first time.

spent a little fun time checking out the place...

Later in the afternoon we had a teaching  on "blood born pathogens " yucky stuff---but stuff we have to know (and review for me-I have seen this same thing every year since about 1991, but I do have to say, this lady made it really interesting and it is the first time, I actually enjoyed the session!)

always goofing off ---we are only serious when doing a birth.  The rest of our lives...cant say that we are!

 Then later for dinner we went out to some oriental restaurant and had a long relaxed dinner.

Ok so more later!

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I am a wife-married to my sweetheart from my teen age years. I am a mother of 6 children. Oldest is a son, Jason then Nathan, a son, and our first daughter Anastasia. All three of these children are married. Then is Nalani, our second daughter. Then Dustin, our youngest son, who is married. And our youngest child is home with our LORD YHWH.