The little midwife sat with her mom all day, she enjoyed this time just looking at her mom, knowing in her heart that this would be one of the last days she would get to spend with her mother like this. She tried to memorize each look her mother gave, each smile...storing those memories in her heart. Her mother slept and she watched her sleep. This was the woman who raised her, who had help to make her who she was today. She had taught her many things, some she did not even know were important until this time of her life as she watched her mothers life slip away.
The woman from the hospice care service, would come and give her mother a bath...a simple thing and so personal. The little midwife would continue to sit with her mom, as she watched her sleep.
That evening the midwife would go home to a dark empty house...her husband at work, she quietly ate her supper alone...
It was night and except for the moon-it was dark, the little midwife went out to the deck and stood looking at the stars in the sky. She remembered a night almost 18 years ago, when she received the news that her father had went home to the LORD. She had stood under the same stars then, and gazed at their light. Some things
GOD made are the same for ever and ever and other things are ever
~after getting ready for bed, the little midwife snuggled down into bed, closed her eyes and sighed.
~after getting ready for bed, the little midwife snuggled down into bed, closed her eyes and sighed.
Her eyes opened with the ring of the phone only 20 minutes later. Someone was ready to have her come to their home to help with the birth of their little baby. She hurried out the door into the dark cool night and drove to the couples home. It would be a long night as she helped this couple. No sleep except for a few short hours, since Wednesday night. It was now Friday night. The midwife was tired...she rested on the small love seat in the couples home, unable to even stretch out her tired legs, listening to the sounds of the mother in labor as she breathed thru each contraction. Listening to the sounds of the husband snoring she found herself wishing it was her resting and snoring right at that time. Content to rest only, she became the guardian of the birth.
All night long this went
All night long this went
The little midwife watched the sun come up through the windows and the house hold come to life with the dawn of the day.
Hours later, before Noon, the midwife said to the couple, it was time to go to the hospital. The little midwife drove the couple to the hospital, and there a kindly doctor took over her care. But the midwife did not leave the woman’s side. She stayed with them for hours -until they decided to take the woman for surgery....
The midwife was sad for the natural birth that would never take place, but she rejoiced for the healthy baby and mother. It was the right thing to do to bring the couple into the hospital. Sometimes you have to.
She rejoiced for the help from the doctors and nurses. And when she knew that everyone was safe, the little midwife went home to her husband. He wrapped his arms around her and let her cry. Cry for the woman and for the natural birth that did not happen, cry for her own mother -who she knew was dying...
She rejoiced for the help from the doctors and nurses. And when she knew that everyone was safe, the little midwife went home to her husband. He wrapped his arms around her and let her cry. Cry for the woman and for the natural birth that did not happen, cry for her own mother -who she knew was dying...
The little midwife knew she would miss the evening service with her church family, a special one-
~she knew that for what ever reason, GOD did not have that in HIS plan for her to attend.
~she knew that for what ever reason, GOD did not have that in HIS plan for her to attend.
The husband took his midwife /wife out for dinner and after the meal was over, drove her home and held her as she drifted off to sleep...
She got up out of bed and slowly got ready...then she drove to the camp and the little cabin and picked up her things. No one even noticed her as she made trip after trip to carry her things to the car. No one even noticed that she had even been there. She stood in the cold cabin, listening to the gentle rain on the roof. She felt a coldness, and wondered if anyone really cared about her or if they only cared about....being 'religious' ~~No one had called her, they knew what she was going thru this week, but yet- Here she was, alone. She thought about how sweet it would be to just lay down in there and rest allowing GODs gentle sounds of the rain ~sing her to sleep.
Instead, she quietly drove away, the rain flowing from the heavens like her tears flowed from her eyes...she thought how she wanted to stay and hide in the cabin, away from what was happening in her life.
Instead, she quietly drove away, the rain flowing from the heavens like her tears flowed from her eyes...she thought how she wanted to stay and hide in the cabin, away from what was happening in her life.
The rest of that day and the next several days were a blur to her. Very little food was eaten by her and the nights were late, late nights to go home into bed.
During this time of Sukkot, the people of Israel was to remember their time in the wilderness. They were to spend time carefully building a booth, it was built under special instructions, using special materials.
The little midwife thought about her booth, it was suppose to be the cabin, but now? It was where ever she was at...
~her booth this week was at 2 different women's homes who had given birth it was also at her mothers home...She had 3 booths she was staying at...and she was alone~
~her booth this week was at 2 different women's homes who had given birth it was also at her mothers home...She had 3 booths she was staying at...and she was alone~
The little midwife thought how she would not get to stay in her cabin.
She thought about how her booth was ever changing- daily this week it's location changed. She was actually wandering during this week, wandering in a wilderness- like the children of Israel did for 40 years....from one booth to another...never knowing each day where she would be, where she would end up, what she would eat, when she would eat, or even if she would get to eat at all for that matter. She did not know if she would sleep, when and where she would rest her head...
She was not in a stable booth, where she could remember the wilderness~
She was in the wilderness and all alone.
Except for GOD.
She knew HE would continue to guide her...
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