Friday, January 20, 2017

Today this country has a new president. Our 45th president, D. J. Trump. There are many in this country who do not like him, do not like his politics, what he has said and done, and many of those who do not like him, are going to the capital to protest. I do NOT have a problem with those who wish to protest. We live in a country that allows you to do that. I fully support our right to protest! (But I do NOT support doing riots, only peaceful protesting). I am fine with those who do not like him too (although you do not have the right to talk bad about anyone who might like him). I did not vote for Obama, but he WAS my president because I am an American, and live here.

At first I would post terrible things about him, and then one day, someone (rightly) called me on something I had posted. Basically, telling me I was out of line. I was. If I say I am a believer, I have a responsibility to pray for him. I worked to change my attitude. Now I can say, I do have respect for the man, and although I did not vote for him --I did respect him.

If you live here, and you are an american, then D.J. Trump IS your president. You do not have to like him-ever, but you should at least pray for him. And if you do not like that, leave the country. I know that is harsh, but I could have left when Obama was voted in! I did not, this is my country, I work to make changes, and pray for our leaders.

There are a lot of protests and sadly, riots happening in this country due to Trump. I find those who are destroying things to be immature-again, protest, but not riot.
But something else is being planned....and I struggle with something that will be included in this 'march'.

I do have a problem with something that is being done by many of these who will be protesting. I might make some people very mad by talking about it, -but I have the right to MY opinion, remember that.

What is being done by some of these protesters, reminds me of something from our history that was horribly awful, and what some of these people are doing during this march, --in my opinion--- is symbolic and disrespectful (again my opinion).

Those who are going to do this, please hear my words...

I have read on facebook today(jan 20th, 2017) some who are going to protest are going to wear (their words not mine) pink pussy's on their heads. (apparently these are pink knitted or crochet hats resembling female parts), and that is what is offensive to me.

You all have the right to do this, but I think doing this it is insulting and offensive.

Wear pink but not to represent the female 'anatomy'-again, (in my opinion). I know many do not like the statement that Trump said, I do not like it ether, but I think those of you who are going to wear these -- you are no better than trump whom you are trying to complain about. Again, my opinion.

Have you really thought this thru?
Have you thought about our history in this country?
And most important: have you ever thought or done any research to see if this was ever done in real life?

Well it was, and now you -symbolically-are doing it too.

"...I heard of numerous instances in which men had cut out the private parts of females and stretched them over the saddle-bows of and wore them over their hats while riding in the ranks."

(Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee by Dee Brown, copy from 1970, page 89)

THIS is why it is so disgraceful to me...

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I am a wife-married to my sweetheart from my teen age years. I am a mother of 6 children. Oldest is a son, Jason then Nathan, a son, and our first daughter Anastasia. All three of these children are married. Then is Nalani, our second daughter. Then Dustin, our youngest son, who is married. And our youngest child is home with our LORD YHWH.