some of our chairs and a table covered in snow |
The big storm was to arrive. On Saturday Scott had to work 6 hours, and once home, cleaned up as I finished the preparations for church. We climbed into the truck and off for a time of fellowship with our service.
Half way to the town of sturgis we came up onto a semi truck that was stopping in the road, unsure what he was doing, we went around him. As we approached the stop sign, and prepared to turn, we saw 3 autos in the road ahead-stuck. One was a small car that was stuck and the other two were moving but not much. Scott had just traveled on these roads just 90 minutes before and they were clearer than this, now they were wind blown drifts about 2 feet high in some places across the road.
So we turned around and headed south for the highway. We took the long way to sturgis. Once we got into town, we thought-if roads were this bad now, how might they be by 8 pm tonight? We decided to not go to service after all, and instead we decided to go to lunch then to the store for a few things, and home.
on the dirt road going to our home. This is always such a beautiful area |
I had a crock pot full of BBQ chicken legs to dish out to someone! (home made BBQ sauce too!)
Nathan was the closest of our children-- so he got them.
The next day --the storm would begin...
Up early in the morning, we decided to venture out. (we are storm chasers at heart). We were going to go to Kendaville and do some grocery shopping, but our daughter Anastasia said that the scott grocery store was very picked over in the produce section. So we decided to go to our son Dustins home. We had not seen him for some time (a few weeks).
his home as we approached it from the highway |
a beautiful tree in his yard -covered in winter wonderness |
their home
We were greeted by their cat |
Scott had just got a new tablet (almost a week ago now) and still had not used it because we are technically challenged. So Dustin helped us get it going.
Dustin and his bride, Samantha-they are just so cute! |
His driveway was a bit of a challenge, but even worse by the time we left. We still wanted to go to town, and decided on going into sturgis. The stores were picked over well, but we still got the supplies we needed. Then home. We took the long way home, avoiding back roads until the very last couple of miles. Here are some photos as we drove...
the visibility was not good, but even worse over fields. Here is a field as we drove, you can see the trees up close, but anything further than that, cant see them! |
By the evening that night (Sunday) word was out that the county was declaring an emergency and anyone caught on the roads would be given a ticket. I guess we were officially snowed in!
Scott tried to plow in the evening, he would plow for about an hour, then come in and let the tractor rest, then go back. It took about 3 trips of this to get anywhere. During this time, we saw the fire truck and rescue truck, a few cops and a plow truck go past, down to the neighbors home. Not sure what is up with that, praying for safety for all.
We enjoyed our time out driving, no one on the roads but a few stupid people like us. But we did not go anywhere today while the 'ban' to drive is on. People have been posting on face book about not wanting to be snowed in, being bored, how they can not wait until they can get out. I love this. I love being home, safe, warm, we have food, water, (although I did fill a number of containers with water-just in case) -we are blessed.
I especially love the time with my husband-this is great!
this is an older photo because it was too dark to go out to take his photo |
here is the pile of snow from the driveway (I went out and took photos Monday morning)
His factory closed down for monday and tuesday. Smart. It is way too cold out there.
Enjoy some photos of our land in winter rest...
I was in the truck waiting for scott to clean off the roof. He was going to be on the ladder and eventually on the roof, so I was out of the wind...this is my view... |
huge pile of snow that was in the driveway, and now pushed away to the fence |
our small path up to the back door |
taken from inside the truck -what was covering the windshield |
snow is half way high to the fence |
frozen mustache |
winter chores |
snow half way up the steps and covering the steps |
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