Sunday, August 18, 2013

You Just Did What????

Well life-can take a turn sometimes for the weird, and for the ...I can not believe that happened!

One of the chiropractors I have served at birth, and have went to for his services--- uses this massager thing on your back before he adjusts the back, to relax you. That is nice, and so I thought, hey, great, I like that. We 'need' one of those.  I looked them up on the web and found them for at least 200 dollars, not a bad price, but it would have to go on my *wish* list, not my *need* list.  Needs come first around here, and wants take the back seat.

That means it may be a long time before we get one.  SO I prayed and said LORD I really *want* one of those, it would be nice.  I left it HIS feet.

 Then at a garage sale, yep-there it was! The exact massager---This little old lady had one, still in the original box, it was an older model, but worked great-and ONLY 3 dollars! I bought it.  (this was over a year ago) -how nice! Right?  I am so thankful that GOD takes care of our wants too-not just our needs!

I had a migraine last night.  Just hurt so much esp on the right side shoulder. I get the pain in weird places, but have had migraines since I was about 12 so know what I need to do to help relieve the pain.

So asked my husband to massage that shoulder using this last night. I laid down on my tummy and he began the massage. I kept telling him no-the right side, (he worked the left side) finally I was thinking, I might have some relief from this headache.

Then it happened....I felt my hair being  pulled out-literately, and also at the same time felt my hair being sucked into this massager--my husband did not even notice (men-they are so slow sometimes!) finally when he did notice--- after I am going...
 "ouch ouch ouch...."
he is like-
 ~"what do I do"
~I am thinking-Really? SHUT IT OFF (I was thinking this-but could not even voice it from the pain)
~so he shuts it off-finally (seemed like a long time, but it was prob only just seconds).

He looked at it and said, he could not even untangle it..not at all-it would have to be cut out.
I told him there was scissors in the bottom drawer of our bathroom cabinet (two steps away) but he lays this huge thing on my back (remember I AM on my stomach) and goes out to the other room to get shears. I think ---really????

 Now think about this:

If I roll over, it will fall off.
If I move at all, it will fall off.
If it falls off of my back, it will take my tangled up hair, a LOT of hair, and will just pull it right out of my head.

So with my hair wrapped around it, in the motor, and all---I try to be so still--- so it will not fall off, that way, it will not pull out the rest of my hair...

He takes for ever to bring back scissors--but you have to remember that he was raised when we were told to not run with scissors---so I know, he is not I wait...

Finally he returns and I hear as my hair is cut, each cut, I think there it goes, I will not be vain, but I am sad...I do like long hair, (I guess I am an old hippy at heart)

I had hair down to my lower back, almost, and my hair is NOT thick any more, (older age does that) and it takes a very long time to grow-so what little amount of hair that went that long, is now shorter than the sides-up to the neck. Now it has this huge chunk out of it-right in the middle.

not sure what I am gonna do.   Not sure what style I will need to have it cut now...I will not be able to do anything until later this week most likely....ugg.  So I will walk around with this strange cut---long-short- long--not sure if there is hair there or not---long -short -long....

UPDATE this morning: I asked him for the massager.  He had not re moved the hair that he said was "in the motor".  I looked at it, and it was not in the motor-AND I was able to untangle the up to 9 inches of hair...un rolling it from the machine.  It unrolled just fine.  That means, my hair did NOT have to be cut out.  sigh. 9 inches of hair. gone.

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I am a wife-married to my sweetheart from my teen age years. I am a mother of 6 children. Oldest is a son, Jason then Nathan, a son, and our first daughter Anastasia. All three of these children are married. Then is Nalani, our second daughter. Then Dustin, our youngest son, who is married. And our youngest child is home with our LORD YHWH.