Sunday, May 27, 2012

Family Day

Last Sunday we held our annual family day.  There are a number of Birthdays and Anniversary's in the month of May, so we try to have a get together each year about this time.

First the youngest two grand children were over the day before to "help" grandma get ready.  Mostly they wanted to go on wagon rides.  This little wagon is one that I hook up to the riding lawn mower (NEVER with the blade on at the same time) and the children sit in the back of the wagon and I drive all around the land.

We drove to the back of the land where we checked out the berry bushes that were in full bloom.  It looks like a bumper crop this year!  LORD willing it will be a great year!

and the bees were a buzzin too!

Later we had a picnic on the "new" picnic table that Grampa just finished.  (put new boards on the old one!)

And then they enjoyed feeding the baby lamb 'Tezzy'

So after *getting ready* the next day everyone showed up.
Those present: Jason and Missy and their 3 children: Zachary, Logan and Adreana
Nathan, Kasandra, and their 2 children: Josiah and Jeremiah
Anastasia and husband Stephen
Dustin and wife Samantha

Grandma-Hope Keeslar
Aunt Dawn and Uncle Tim (dawn is Scotts sister) and their friends children
Devin and his friend (Devin is Scotts nephew)

Scott was the main grill master, (trying to get the boys to take over this job!) we cooked hamburger (from our farm) and chicken (oh well-store bought) and kosher hot-dogs. 

Here is is relaxing after everyone else has ate!

 I made potato salad, patio beans,  and a bean salsa. And everyone else brought a dish to share too.  So there was plenty of food and a LOT left over! 

The grand children and the children that Dawn and Time had with them, all enjoyed the sprinkler...It was a very hot day! And everyone enjoyed visiting.
We also enjoyed something else.....

 our yearly water fight! 

Tim trying to protect his cell phone from the water!

'Aunt' Dawn, after a glass of water was poured over her!

So over all the day was good
Adreana spent most of her time in the sprinkler and the rest of the time, showing off for the camera!

Next get together-this fall!

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I am a wife-married to my sweetheart from my teen age years. I am a mother of 6 children. Oldest is a son, Jason then Nathan, a son, and our first daughter Anastasia. All three of these children are married. Then is Nalani, our second daughter. Then Dustin, our youngest son, who is married. And our youngest child is home with our LORD YHWH.