Monday, January 16, 2012

The Life of a busy person ....

My Life....
 My life revolves around everyone else...

Life is never dull, I sort of wish it was really.  In order to plan personal time, I actually have to plan to go away.  If I am here-in the area- I am available to help anyone.  It is who I am, it is what I do.  I am asked questions all the time for help, health wise-for pregnant women, non pregnant women, for children, even for health of men.  I do not mind-again it is what GOD has called me to-it is who HE has made me to be- I would be in sin to not do what HE has called me to do!  People want help understanding how to use herbs, essential oils and how to make health changes that will improve their over all health.  

We currently have snow here.  About 8-12 inches depending on where your at.  The temperature is from -5 to its cold!  

Our garage, a 2-1/2 car garage, is so full-we could not get the autos into it!  I had my car in the garage last year, and feel with what I do-needing to be able to leave at a moments notice-my car needs to be in a garage during the winter.  I do not have the time to defrost the car from snow and ice for 15-20 minutes before leaving!

So finally after moving some stuff around in the garage, my husband made some room for my car.  Now, I have to say-the stuff in the garage, most of it-is wood for the building projects we did not get done this fall, and we can not have that wood outside...some of it is exterior wood, but it can warp if out in the weather---and its too expensive so....its in the garage instead of the autos.  Lots of other stuff in there too....

So now- my car is in the garage....

This last weekend, I knew I would be called it was about 10 pm, and I asked my husband ---who had parked his truck in front of the garage door where my car was at...not on his side of the garage/driveway, but my side...if he wanted to get up at about 2 am to move his truck or move it now.  He choose to go out and move it now. 

Ok, all set for a phone call -- I take note that the car is parked sort of crooked in the garage. 

Now in the car, car starts great, no frost or anything to deal with. Remember that I said  I notice that the car is parked crooked?  I figure he did that so it could fit in the garage with all the stuff.  

Problem now is:  to angle the car to get out the garage door, and avoid the truck-- that is still partly in front of my side of the garage and also avoid the gas grill that is out side the garage, but in between the two doors, hummmm  

I should have moved the truck.  

 Backing out, I am looking to the passengers side to be sure I am missing the truck and I hear a  'crunch'. 
Looking to the drivers side...yes, my mirror is now hanging by the electrical cords...great.  Pull forward. 
frustration now changes to being mad.

Continue to back out... paying a bit more attention to the drivers side since it is parked so crooked and It appears to have more of a chance to hit on that side....I feel like I have hit something now on the passengers side.  Great.  Probably hit either the truck or the grill.  

Put car in park.

Get out and check the damage.

Nothing.  I did not hit anything except for a huge pile of snow that stopped my car from going anywhere....I can deal with that one.

After a number of 3-point turns (so no longer considered a 3 point turn is it?!)  the car is finally out of the garage...only about 6 inches from the truck.  Glad I do not have to get into the passengers side of the door!

I had the drivers side door sort of open so now shut it.  It bounces back open.  Not good.  Shut it again. It bounces back open again.  It frozen.  It has done that since it was replaced after the deer ran into my car last year and I had to have the door replaced.  It is a 'used door' to save money.  Great.

Now I am very mad.

I get out and go to the house door, I left my keys to the house in the car, and I am now 'locked out.' I could have picked up the keys, but remembered I locked the door only when I get to the door...

I pound on the door, kick at the door --all to make a lot of noise to see if my husband can hear me (he is sleeping in the bedroom with the door closed) but yes, he hears me!  amazing!

He comes to the door, (in his underwear only) and opens the door looking very sleepy.  I yell.  I am not being the quiet wife right now...failed miserably.  

I tell him due to 'him' parking the car crooked and parking the truck partially in front of my side I now have a mirror off from my car (nothing is my fault is it?)  and now my car door will not shut (again, blaming him) and I have to leave.  

So he puts on his old big barn boots, and a heavy winter coat and comes out side.   What a site, and what a husband to be willing to go out into sub zero weather with underwear on and a coat and boots.  

He tells me to take the truck.  Duh.  I probably should have figured that one out myself.  But wanting to save money (its about double to drive the truck with the gas money) I did not want to unless I really had to.  I guess I really had to.

  Praying for for my attitude.

  Asking GOD for forgiveness and  to be with my husband, and to help me with my anger right now and telling HIM that I AM thankful for the truck. I am also very thankful for a forgiving husband who respects the calling I have, and understands the stress that I can often be under, and he deals well with it all.  He sees GOD's hand in all of this work I am privileged to be involved in, and supports it well.  He puts up with a lot. 

 Sigh.  I know better, and need to be thankful for all things and in all things.  I need to not be angry that my car now needs work -again.  It usually always-need a lot of work to keep going with all of the driving I do.  I am also thankful that one of our sons is now beginning to work as a mechanic, and I alone will probably keep him in business.  (good for him). 

How often we fail in this world. Maybe if I would have this videotaped, it would win on funniest home videos.  Two old people in the snow, one jumping around yelling, and the other in underwear and a winter coat, and winter boots....

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I am a wife-married to my sweetheart from my teen age years. I am a mother of 6 children. Oldest is a son, Jason then Nathan, a son, and our first daughter Anastasia. All three of these children are married. Then is Nalani, our second daughter. Then Dustin, our youngest son, who is married. And our youngest child is home with our LORD YHWH.