Friday, August 5, 2011

Whats New!

Well its been awhile since I have posted! What a busy spring and summer so far. But then, isn't it always? We built new garden boxes this year, and the tomatoes and some other plants are doing great! Tomatoes on the plants-they just need to ripen! Hopefully I will get enough to can!

The peppers were eaten by bunnies and goats, so had to replant those and they are not doing as good. Getting enough cucumbers to eat, but not can-so will have to purchase those. Enough yellow summer squash and green zucchini, last year-one or two plants did not produce enough and then this year, well 2 plants of each are keeping us in enough for a family of about 20!

So I need to replant some things, the carrots, beets, beans, well as a few others. Thankfully there are family farms around here who also grow organic where I can purchase items if needed!

We have some new chickens. Got a bakers dozen, and lost all but about 6. That is not good odds! But those that survived are doing well.

Our youngest son, Dustin, his wife-Samantha, just left for the air force (boot camp) and Dustin will have to learn to cope with out his newlywed wife(just over 2 years they are really still newlyweds!)
We still have barn siding to put up, a new chicken house to build, more saw dust around the outside of the garden boxes, and line that with stones to keep it in, stuff to move around on the farm to straighten it up a bit, and a garage that needs cleaning so very badly, a basement that needs stuff cleaned out (since all the kids moved out and left some stuff behind plus all of my old stuff) and new garage door...... THEN- New fence on the back land, and my front herb garden is still undone its a huge weed mess! Then this fall, we HAVE to repair our little cabin that the squirrels have destroyed! But we are waiting on the mosquitoes to die before going into the woods!
I love spending time around the house, gardening, sewing, knitting, even cleaning!

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I am a wife-married to my sweetheart from my teen age years. I am a mother of 6 children. Oldest is a son, Jason then Nathan, a son, and our first daughter Anastasia. All three of these children are married. Then is Nalani, our second daughter. Then Dustin, our youngest son, who is married. And our youngest child is home with our LORD YHWH.