She had 2 sons, and was wishing for another baby. She was sure she was pregnant, but then one day, she experienced a loss. She was not that far along, but it was still very sad.
Many weeks later-early one morning when her husband was getting up for work, he knelt down by the bed at her side, and whispered in her ear, that he was so sorry for their loss, and that he wanted anther baby too. He had thought she was sleeping so she stayed quiet, as he prayed over her. She treasured this in her heart.
Then a few months later, she thought she might again be expecting a baby. So she took a test. It was her oldest sons 4th birthday. The test was positive. She was excited.
Late in the day her phone rang, her only brother-his wife had died, well, was actually killed -in surgery. the OR team had made a mistake. Their actions resulted in the death of her sister in law.
She chose to only tell her husband the good news of her expecting a baby. She would not share it for weeks out of respect to her family.
Now here she was, in labor for this 3rd child. again her heart longed for a baby to be born at home. But that was not to be.
It was day time, and she thought that she was in labor, but the contractions were not like a normal contraction. As they began, it felt like the breath was knocked out of her, and then she had butterflies in her tummy. That feeling would last about 30-60 seconds then go away. This happened all day long and were about 10 minutes apart.
When her husband come home, they decided to go into the hospital. She was in labor, but early labor. She continued to contract, and by evening was 6cm. But by 11 pm that night the contractions started to space apart and slow down. She could now sleep so they unhooked the monitor and told her she could sleep. This birth happened back when the hospital would not allow the husbands to stay the night, or if they did, they had to sit up in a hard chair all night. So her husband decided to go home for the night. They would call him if things started again. They only lived 5 minutes or so from the hospital so she thought it would be fine.
So she slept all night. In the morning the doctor came in and broke her water. Things began to pick up then. She did consent to a IV, which now looking back wished she did not. There was another woman in labor at the same time, and they were about the same progress. So at one time she was up walking as well as the other woman was too, and they were talking with the doctor, they teased her that they were both saying---'I get you" to the doctor, who laughed and promised that she would be there for both of them at their births!
Her husband had long since made it back to the hospital. She continued in labor, and soon she was ready to go to the delivery room. They would not allow her to use the birthing room this time. (they tried real hard to not use that room) during these years the way the hospital birthed was you labor in a labor room, that was a very small room, large enough for a twin size hospital bed, and chair stuffed in the corner. Then you were moved to a delivery room which was a large impersonal room, cold metal table you delivered on.
So she was waiting since the change of shifts with the nurses, for someone to come in soon. Finally a nurse did (she knew this nurse from growing up) she told her she thought she was ready.
She finally hurried her back to the delivery room, but she was not at all ready. The doctor was there, and no one was 'ready' to catch this baby!
The doctor told her not to push, but she was having such a difficult time. The baby was coming even though she was not pushing! She told her doctor that! The doctor had one glove on and was holding her other hand out for the nurse to put a glove on it!
Then her new daughter was born! All 7# and 1 ounce of her!
All the black hair, and blue eyes! I am now 4 days late in writing this for you daughter, but this year-2013, you turned 27 years old.
your name:
Anastasia (meaning: Of the Spring Time Of the Resurrection).
Kay- is after my middle name, which was after my God mother, Katherine.