Yes, that is a snake. It is trying to get in one of our basement windows. A special window well, done for basement windows where a basement is. Often snakes are found here, they try to get in, but thankfully can not. The snake is often referred to represent the enemy of GOD ALMIGHTY...
Just as this snake is doing -trying to get into our home, thus our lives-so this is just like the enemy of GOD, the fallen angel, satan and his demons who also tries to get into our lives. Many Christians think -oh we don't want to talk about them, and I have heard many say, well, I am not sure they are real. This is just what the enemy of YHWH wants people to believe. That is how he-satan- gets into our lives.
How well is your windows in your lives? Are they strong enough to keep the enemy out? If they are not, that is because the LORD GOD YHWH is not in charge, is not first, and you are not submitted to HIM only.
It does not mean that you are not going to have hard times, it does not mean that the enemy will not be after you and your family, trying to cause problems. In fact, I find that if I am living my life for CHRIST JESUS, aka YASHEUA, that the enemy will be on my tail even more!
So I say, check your windows everyone! Check your doors, be sure every small or large opening to your home is sealed well to keep out the snakes, bugs, mice and the winter wind!
But for your heart and your life-guard that too, allowing GOD to come in and seal those openings where the enemy tries to get in!